A Randomized Study Comparing High-Energy TUMT to TURP: Quality-of-Life Results
E.A.E. Franciscaa, F.C.H. d'Anconaa, J.C.M. Hendriksb, L.A.L.M. Kiemeneya,b, F.M.J. Debruynea, J.J.M.C.H de la Rosettea
Departments of
aUrology and
bEpidemiology and Biostatics, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands
A Randomized Study Comparing High–Energy TUMT to TURP: Quality–of–Life Results: "Results: For almost all scales the standardized Cronbach's alpha was adequate. Between the various QoL scales there is a statistically significant correlation except for social well-being and sexual functions. There is also a significant correlation between the QoL scales and age, IPSS and Madsen. For the sexual functions there is only a correlation with age. A significant difference in improvement in favor of the TURP group was observed in general perception of urinary difficulties and activities of daily living. However, no difference between the groups was observed for the QoL scale measuring experienced improvement. The sexual function is not influenced by both treatment modalities. Both groups have a significant improvement in clinical outcome at all points of measurement. TURP has a better clinical outcome.
Conclusion: Both TUMT and TURP have a significant positive effect on various aspects of QoL. In particular, perception of urinary difficulties and activities of daily living are positively influenced by both treatments. TURP, however, has a greater impact than high-energy TUMT.
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E.A.E. Francisca
Department of Urology, University Hospital Nijmegen
PO Box 9101, NL-6500 HB Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Tel. +31 24 3613920, Fax +31 24 3541031
E-Mail e.francisca@uro.azn.nl"